First, what it is not. Development is not the tithing program with a different name. Development is not fund-raising, not a new gimmick to raise funds to pay the electric bill, or repair the parking lot. Development is being good stewards of our material resources. Above all, it is about people, the development of their fa ith, their trust in God, and their generosity in sharing the material gifts God has given to them. It could be: a) including the church in your will; b) making a one-time sizable gift to the church; c) setting up a trust to benefit a ministry in the church in the future, etc, etc.
It is a good time for us at St. Columba. The Pastoral Council has completed the Strategic Plan and presented us with goals for the next three to five years. The Parish's July 2017 Newsletter reported on these goals. Financial Planning is also necessary for the present and future of St. Columba Church.
Development Council is a group of parishioners dedicated to fulfilling the mission of St. Columba Catholic Church. The Council works through five committees to accomplish its goals:
Memorial & Honor Gifts Special Gifts
The council accomplishes its goals through these five committees. More detailed information will be presented to the parish in upcoming newsletters.