Who we are:
We are a varied group of adults traveling together on a spiritual journey dedicated to serious study of our faith. We are motivated by our class motto to “dig deeper, reach higher, and stretch more broadly to learn what we didn’t know we didn’t know.”
How we study:
Our curriculum is developed from materials published by many among our nation’s finest Catholic teachers. In our inaugural year (2017-2018), for example, we studied with Bishop Robert Barron, Father Michael Himes, Professor Brandt Pitre, Mother Teresa, and others. Moreover, we employed fine religious art and music to further explore, reiterate and enrich our lessons.
We believe in this learning tool: if you can say it, you know it! To help us retain the new and/or deepened insights we gain from each class, we work together to summarize (in phrases and/or images we record on our “spiritual travelogue”) the understandings we want to take home and share with our family and friends. Yep! We draw in stick figures like kindergartners and have a lot of fun doing it!!
What’s Coming next?
In August, 2018, we begin a new curriculum. Our primary focus will be The 7 Mysteries of Jesus: Biblical Roots of the Sacraments. We will be privileged to listen in as Dr. Brandt Pitre teaches seminarians in his New Orleans classroom. Dr. Pitre provides a well-developed course outline and this series certainly meets our “dig deeper” criteria.
When and Where:
New Dimensions meets on Thursday mornings right after 9:00 a.m. Mass in Room 3 of the Education Building. Our schedule follows that for Mom’s Morning Out. We encourage attending Mass as the opportunity to prepare for class by first receiving Jesus, our spiritual food. We DO serve coffee and, usually, light refreshments. This class is free to you, but you may want a three-ring binder to store handouts you will receive.
You’re invited!
All are welcome and we especially invite moms whose children are in MMO! Please register for this class so we can provide sufficient handouts and refreshments. To register or receive further information, contact: Jan Alig at (334) 699-8486 or 699-3049 or [email protected]